What is your most unforgettable love story?

Many kids grow up listening to their parents' love story n wanting d same in their life.. well, it's not d same in my case.. I grew up listening to this beautiful love story of my grand parents… My grand pa was an angry man who shouted at his wife n their kids like other men those days.. But my grand mom was different… She was a strong, stubborn woman who never compromised on anything just to satisfy my grand pa's ego… Doesn't sound like a good pair, does it? Well that's wt I thought too.. But turns out, they were a perfect couple… Whenever my grand pa shouted unnecessarily, there was my grand mother who would take things into control by shouting louder than him… Somehow they got along with each other… She was always der to correct every mistake that he made… Unlike men those days, he respected her opinions…
Unfortunately, my grand mom met with an accident and died when my dad was 22 ( my dad was oldest of the 4 sons my grand parents had) My grand pa said that the last things my grand mom asked him was for him not to get married again fearing that his new wife might not take care of the children (apparently that was d deal back then!) , and to reduce his anger since she won't b around to control him anymore… Well, he kept his word.. He never got married again, n took wonderful care of all 4 of his children…( My grand pa always said that he wudnt get married again even if she dint ask) U won't believe me but my grand pa is d most patient person I met… Growing up, I always admired how calm n composed he was! The only few times I saw him angry was when somebody scolded me… He lived almost another 40 years after his wife died.. Der was not even one day when he dint smile looking at the picture of his wife in our home… I'm still shocked by d amount of love he had for her even long after she passed away… I always wonder what it wud be like if she dint die n if those 2 grew old together… N that's d kind of love I wish I'll find someday :)
